Are all public sector websites in the EU really accessible (from today)?

Note: This post is older than two years. It may still be totally valid, but things change and technology moves fast. Code based posts may be especially prone to changes...

(Read 622 times)

Today is a big day for accessibility in the European Union and beyond. Still long to the ultimate goal but an important milestone.

Short answer is no.

Although it was defined that Web Accessibility Directive (WAD) will demand that all public sector websites are accessible from 23. of September 2020 I am certain that they are not. But it is a promising start and they have to evaluate their accessibility and prepare accessibility statements so in my opinion it is a big day on a long-term accessibility strategical mission.

In some countries the WAD will even have more positive effects on the private sector as well and I think that publicity around WAD for public sector will also have positive effects on the accessibility efforts for all business owners that were maybe not aware of the importance of digital inclusion and positive effects it can bring to their online presences.

Still a long way to absolute accessibility that should be our common goal, but a big step in the right direction!

Author: Bogdan Cerovac

I am IAAP certified Web Accessibility Specialist (from 2020) and was Google certified Mobile Web Specialist.

Work as digital agency co-owner web developer and accessibility lead.

Sole entrepreneur behind IDEA-lab Cerovac (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility lab) after work. Check out my Accessibility Services if you want me to help your with digital accessibility.

Also head of the expert council at Institute for Digital Accessibility (in Slovenian).

Living and working in Norway (🇳🇴), originally from Slovenia (🇸🇮), loves exploring the globe (🌐).

Nurturing the web from 1999, this blog from 2019.

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