Save yourself time and resources and prepare before you buy an accessibility audit with these tips.
Tag: Accessibility audit
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This is a summary for my Universal Design 2024 (UD2024) conference contribution, where I was using parts of EN 301 549 and WCAG to check how (in)accessible are iOS and Android mobile applications from 4 largest Norwegian banks.
Accessibility audits come in different forms and sometimes it is better to take smaller audits than to wait for the larger ones to be finished – and risk missing out on changes that had to happen in the meanwhile.
Automatic testing, although limited, is useful for quick and bulk test of webpages. With current progress I would expect it to be more efficient, but such tests could easily be bypassed and we can get bad data.
Don’t think accessibility audit alone will help making things accessible. It can even mean ineffective use of resources as there are several things you need to consider before just auditing.
Concentrating on WCAG alone can feel like accessibility is always binary. When thinking about all the success criteria of the WCAG we can quickly conclude that there is not a single medium sized website in the world that conforms totally. A reflection on perfectionism, conformance and reality.
I try to reflect on practical best practices to make an online business more accessible. Most of advice is very tactical and some is a bit strategical. Hope at least some of it can improve the accessibility of your business.
Private sector should embrace accessibility statements and feedback mechanisms. Starting with measuring accessibility in processes and products and then documenting it in public while offering feedback is the best way to go.
Being busy with accessibility audits because everybody want’s to make their accessibility statements made me think about usefulness of them. When is an usability statement useful? Hint – it’s not about how good your Lighthouse scores are. It’s about how you can help real people with real problems.
Before you order your accessibility audit you should read this article of mine. I try to be objective and constructive and present the good and the bad, the strengths and the weaknesses of accessibility audits.
Website owners are responsible for use of third party widgets, plugins and more. Before using them they should check if they conform to WCAG, otherwise their site will not conform either. Checking for accessibility statement of the third party may reveal huge problems with their product’s future.
Finding errors and failures is quite simple. Finding their solutions not so much. Audits should in my opinion provide with specific solutions that are not vague and are totally actionable. Otherwise we need to call in other experts to translate them.
External agency made an accessibility audit. It provided a lot of possible solutions. In this post I try to make it easier to act on this audit. Breaking results into responsibilities, then prioritizing the issues and finally estimating and fixing them can be one way of doing so.
20th of May 2021 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and I wanted to contribute by analyzing state of web accessibility on Slovenian web pages. We can therefore say the first ever contribution to Slovenian Accessibility Awareness Day.