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Some thoughts about fifth WebAIM’s Million evaluation

I love WebAIMs Million, but I need to point some things out. Some people may come to wrong conclusions after reading parts of the report and I hope I can improve that. I also think I know the reason and the solution about the still very poor state of accessibility.

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Operating systems, browsers, screen-readers, automatic analysis tools can all have bugs that make accessibility even more difficult

The journey from content creator to end user is quite long. At least in terms of different software that needs to deliver. And as we all know – software has bugs. And sometimes even so called features that can actually be called bugs as well. So please test and if we find a problem – report it, so that we improve the accessibility one step at a time.

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Problems with automatic accessibility testing

Automatic testing of software is brilliant. Saves a lot of time and effort, prevents problems soon and makes our products better. But when trying to automatically test accessibility we need to know about the challenges and problems before. Some tools may even produce wrong results and some tools may report everything is perfect when they can only test up to a third of criteria.

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State of web accessibility in Slovenia – my contribution to accessibility awareness

20th of May 2021 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and I wanted to contribute by analyzing state of web accessibility on Slovenian web pages. We can therefore say the first ever contribution to Slovenian Accessibility Awareness Day.

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End of axe-hackathon 2021 but not the end of aXeSiA

Not really surprisingly – aXeSiA did not won axe-hackathon. And I never dreamed that it will. It was just an experiment for me personally. But this will not mean that aXeSiA is retiring – I will make it a tool I can use often. And a tool I can really tweak as I need and like. Congratulation to other projects and especially Inclusiville. If I had the time I would be happy to work on all other projects as well as they are really good.

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My first axe-hackathon with my aXeSiA – my first contribution to accessibility open source

aXeSiA – my open source contribution to accessibility testing and axe-hackathon. We all like to use browser extensions to test the pages but aXeSiA makes our work easier if we want to automate it.