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Common Accessibility Issues of Norwegian Mobile Banking Applications

This is a summary for my Universal Design 2024 (UD2024) conference contribution, where I was using parts of EN 301 549 and WCAG to check how (in)accessible are iOS and Android mobile applications from 4 largest Norwegian banks.

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Some tips for keyboard support on native mobile applications

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines touch keyboard accessibility in a couple of success criteria. It’s essential for your native app to support keyboard interactions for it to be accessible. But how?

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Accessibility group – often overlooked native mobile app pattern

Grouping is not an exact science, but all designers and developers touching native mobile applications need to be aware of the simplification possibilities it can bring.

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Native mobile app accessibility – choice of platform is essential

Native mobile applications are often more focused and with that – less noisy for users (and I meant that visually and non-visually). But platform choices can lead to inevitable inaccessibility as some abstractions lack support.

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My contribution to second AccessibleEU conference in Slovenia (DIGIN 2024) – inaccessibility of e-commerce

I lead a project to manually test 20 Slovenian e-commerce websites and wrote an article about it, called (In)Accessibility of Slovenian E-commerce the Year Before the European Accessibility Act.

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Web Accessibility Directive with positive accessibility effects beyond public sector

Time flies and after four years of directive we can reflect a bit more on the positive effects beyond public sector.

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Briefly on conflicts between aesthetics and accessibility requirements

Question of dealing with conflicts between aesthetics and accessibility comes up a lot and sometimes it’s easy to just let one side win and be done with it. I think that we need a cultural shift to have both of them.

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What does aria-hidden=true actually do to interactive elements?

Everybody knows that we must not use aria-hidden on interactive elements. But why is that a problem? I decided to check for myself, so that I can explain it better the next time I will be asked.