I can not get the “All I want for Christmas” song out of my head, so I remembered that it would be appropriate to mention that accessibility is also on a list of my wishes. They are actually ever-green but when everybody is talking about wishes on Christmas, then we must also mention accessibility as one of them.
Next year should be more accessible and when Web AIM group will do their analysis (opens in new window) at least the simple tings – like contrasts – should disappear from the list of errors. The same goes for missing alternative texts for images that have meaning and so on.
Next year will be big for accessibility in Norway as well – we will be getting Web Accessibility directive implemented into our laws after some delays (opens in new window). We will get accessibility statement generator from the authorities and they will also force Norwegian social services and Norwegian tax office to fix accessibility errors on their pages (in Norwegian, opens in new window).
So it will for sure be a more accessible new year and besides wishing I will also work towards it within my roles internally and externally.
Merry Christmas!