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Common Accessibility Issues of Norwegian Mobile Banking Applications

This is a summary for my Universal Design 2024 (UD2024) conference contribution, where I was using parts of EN 301 549 and WCAG to check how (in)accessible are iOS and Android mobile applications from 4 largest Norwegian banks.

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Some tips for keyboard support on native mobile applications

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines touch keyboard accessibility in a couple of success criteria. It’s essential for your native app to support keyboard interactions for it to be accessible. But how?

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Accessibility group – often overlooked native mobile app pattern

Grouping is not an exact science, but all designers and developers touching native mobile applications need to be aware of the simplification possibilities it can bring.

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Norwegian municipality almost got fined for using inaccessible e-learning mobile app

Municipality avoided paying fines after vendor of e-learning app fixed issues with 4 success criteria out of 6 tested (all A level). I found some interesting facts that seem to reveal procurement and especially awareness problems and I also offer some potential solutions.

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WCAG is part of EN 301 549 but EN 301 549 goes way beyond WCAG

I don’t like the fact that EN 301 549 is provided in PDF format. It’s way simpler to process HTML. And when I did some parsing I figured out I could also check how exactly does EN 301 549 goes beyond WCAG for web and mobile applications. Quite a lot is the short answer.

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WCAG for native mobile apps can be much more complex than for the web

After auditing some native mobile apps for accessibility I tried to understand the capabilities and possibilities of native mobile platforms for Android and iOS applications. In this post I try to reflect on the fact that making native mobile apps accessible can be much harder than when we try to make web accessible.

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Native mobile app support for headings

Mobile native applications are often with no headings. Sometimes even have visual headings but are missing on the semantics. Screen-reader users can and also like to navigate via headings, so we should be responsible and use them. They are supported on both iOS and Android.

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Voice-back, online escape room to improve mobile screen-reader skills

A short post about my Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022 contribution – online escape room for mobile screen-readers called Voice-Back.

What was the motivation, intention, implementation and goal behind

Please try it out if you want and let me know how it went.

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Developers should test with screen-readers

Every (front-end) developer should add screen-reader to their tools. Screen-reader experience can really help us make products more accessible and also be better at our coding. Combinations of screen-readers and browsers can get over complicated, so it is important to think if code we write is supported for majority.

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Mobile applications got WCAG 2.1 accessibility requirements in European Union

23th of June 2021 is the final step of Web Accessibility Directives mission to improve accessibility of web and native mobile. WCAG 2.1 applies for mobile as well, but there are some exceptions. At the same time I touch the importance of accessibility in our Covid / Corona pandemics situation.