Save yourself time and resources and prepare before you buy an accessibility audit with these tips.
Category: Accessibility in organizations
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Is it just me or is it weird to require and encourage the use of standard and at the same time hide them behind paywalls and even make them inaccessible?
European public sector websites and mobile apps are required to have feedback mechanism. I believe that such feedback helps any kind of organization, even single person businesses.
Native mobile applications are often more focused and with that – less noisy for users (and I meant that visually and non-visually). But platform choices can lead to inevitable inaccessibility as some abstractions lack support.
I lead a project to manually test 20 Slovenian e-commerce websites and wrote an article about it, called (In)Accessibility of Slovenian E-commerce the Year Before the European Accessibility Act.
We need to be aware of the limitation of the tools to be able to use them properly and to prevent any bias.
Time flies and after four years of directive we can reflect a bit more on the positive effects beyond public sector.
Focusing on single channel alone is not enough, how to make sure accessibility is implemented throughout or channels? Leadership needs to lead!
Dear leader, this is a letter to you. If you lead people, you need to lead accessibility.Do not just delegate it. You will thank me later.
EAA goes beyond technical accessibility. It’s reference to Design for All is a well planned strategical motivator for culture change!
I am a bit biased towards technical parts of accessibility, but when I studied EAA even more, I finally understand why it does not try to be technical.
If people treat EAA as yet another compliance thing I think they are missing the greater picture, and probably also greater business.
Sometimes it can be hard to embrace accessibility when we only consider the business perspective. And some people need harsh motivation, when good for people and good for business arguments are not enough.
Digital transformation without accessibility can’t really be called digitalization as it will produce the need to provide alternative formats manually, not to even mention all the problems with bias when relying solely on artificial intelligence.
Personal reflection about my encounter with web and accessibility, how I was ignorant of it as well and how I think we can’t be ignorant any more.