Sometimes they can be a huge burden and sometimes just a small annoyance. A quick reflection on what to think before using…
Category: Social Media Accessibility
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Focusing on single channel alone is not enough, how to make sure accessibility is implemented throughout or channels? Leadership needs to lead!
I did some work with conversion rate optimization and I couldn’t help myself thinking about how accessibility impacts conversion.
Advertising is big money. Making your ads inaccessible is expensive. In this post I summarize some common accessibility issues that are present in online adverts.
Everybody seems to publish videos online and that is not so strange with modern mobile phones all around us. But to make a video accessible we need to invest some time and effort, otherwise we risk that some people will never get to our messages in the video. I try to summarize the basics and also provide some resources that can go beyond.
Social media is one of the most used internet services. And people with difficulties are users too. And as they should have the right to work as well – they do use LinkedIn. So it must really be accessible. But, is it?