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Common Accessibility Issues of Norwegian Mobile Banking Applications

This is a summary for my Universal Design 2024 (UD2024) conference contribution, where I was using parts of EN 301 549 and WCAG to check how (in)accessible are iOS and Android mobile applications from 4 largest Norwegian banks.

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Why should all organizations establish feedback mechanisms for accessibility?

European public sector websites and mobile apps are required to have feedback mechanism. I believe that such feedback helps any kind of organization, even single person businesses.

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My contribution to second AccessibleEU conference in Slovenia (DIGIN 2024) – inaccessibility of e-commerce

I lead a project to manually test 20 Slovenian e-commerce websites and wrote an article about it, called (In)Accessibility of Slovenian E-commerce the Year Before the European Accessibility Act.

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Web Accessibility Directive with positive accessibility effects beyond public sector

Time flies and after four years of directive we can reflect a bit more on the positive effects beyond public sector.

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Briefly on conflicts between aesthetics and accessibility requirements

Question of dealing with conflicts between aesthetics and accessibility comes up a lot and sometimes it’s easy to just let one side win and be done with it. I think that we need a cultural shift to have both of them.

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GAAD 2024 Slovenia – state of e-commerce accessibility – a year before the new legislation

Second Slovenian Accessibility Awareness Day was quite a success, my contribution this time was a manual accessibility audit of crucial WCAG success criteria of larger e-commerces, supported by a team from

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Accessibility overlays often fail to improve accessibility

I would like that accessibility is the default, just there, without effort. Just fixed for all of us. But it’s not yet possible. Probably never will be. And when I try to be open minded and try to use a feature of accessibility overlay and it just fails, not one but two features, under two minutes, on an important page for people with disabilities, then I had to write about it. And even make a video of it.

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My contribution to first AccessibleEU conference in Slovenia (DIGIN 2023)

Happy to present my accessibility awareness building article at the DIGIN 2023 conference, organized by European Center for Accessibility (AccessibleEU). Short overview of other contributions and a thought about how this professional event could be even better.

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My first academic article on accessibility was accepted on a conference

My first academic article called General Strategies for Improving Accessibility of E-commerce was accepted on a Slovenian Digital Inclusion conference. It was an interesting experience writing it and in this post I reflect on some important things.

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Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS) certified for another three years

I just received mail from IAAP that my certification is prolonged based on my activities that generated enough Continuing Accessibility Education Credits (CAECs). I like that we need not only to pass the exam but to also remain active to maintain it. There are some downsides of certifications, but still way more positive effects in my opinion.

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14% of customers will probably go away if site is inaccessible for them

Found an interesting study that should encourage business owners to do something about poor accessibility of their websites and mobile apps. Hopefully somebody will think about how much people their business is potentially missing.

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Honored to be a part of first official Slovenian event for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

We finally made an official Global Accessibility Awareness Day in Slovenia, and I am proud that I was a part of it and even had two presentations. It was amazing to meet a lot of people from different organizations connected to accessibility and to greet people that I cooperate with in-person for the first time.