Passion for accessibility and empathy helps a lot, but it do comes down to systematic integration if we want that our organization delivers accessible deliveries and products.
Month: February 2021
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Not everybody can or want to use their apps in a single predefined screen orientation. It should be a matter of preference and choice. That is accessibility as well. And we even have it as an WCAG Success Criteria. And yes – it should also be applied to native mobile devices.
Quality Assurance must get their hands on screen-readers and other assistive technologies on multiple platforms, besides understanding acceptance criteria for WCAG and really get the whole accessibility aspect.There is no other way. No shortcuts here.
Today, 5th of February 2021 a decision was made – EFTA member states – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland will start to integrate European Web Accessibility Directive. Another big step towards an more accessible future.