WCAG 4.1.3 is dedicated to status messages and we encourage their use, but we need to be aware of some potential dangers that are often beyond strict technical conformance.
Tag: Status messages
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Status messages on page load – how to notify screen-reader users about important messages when the page loads
Sometimes we expect code to work in a specific way. Here is another example how we need to test it to be certain. Status messages are so important that they even got their own WCAG success criteria, but make sure your code really works.
This is why do status messages deserve own success criteria
Why do status messages matter so much they deserve it’s own success criteria in the WCAG? Well, it is just a minimum – all users deserve to be informed when something important happens, also users of screen-readers and other assistive technologies.
Mobile applications got WCAG 2.1 accessibility requirements in European Union
23th of June 2021 is the final step of Web Accessibility Directives mission to improve accessibility of web and native mobile. WCAG 2.1 applies for mobile as well, but there are some exceptions. At the same time I touch the importance of accessibility in our Covid / Corona pandemics situation.