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All countries should have central registries for accessibility statements of their public sector

Without data we just have opinions. Having a lot of data in different formats can take time to process and sometimes also mean we can’t really compare state of accessibility if countries use different methodologies. If all countries had same data set or even better, central registry it would make data more accessible. And we could save time and money.

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Norwegian municipality almost got fined for using inaccessible e-learning mobile app

Municipality avoided paying fines after vendor of e-learning app fixed issues with 4 success criteria out of 6 tested (all A level). I found some interesting facts that seem to reveal procurement and especially awareness problems and I also offer some potential solutions.

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My contribution to first AccessibleEU conference in Slovenia (DIGIN 2023)

Happy to present my accessibility awareness building article at the DIGIN 2023 conference, organized by European Center for Accessibility (AccessibleEU). Short overview of other contributions and a thought about how this professional event could be even better.

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Welcome WCAG 2.2 and goodbye success criterion 4.1.1 Parsing

9 new success criteria and one less in WCAG 2.2. Removing 4.1.1 from WCAG 2.2 impacting WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 as well (can’t fail 4.1.1 anymore). Even if three new WCAG 2.2 success criteria are on level AAA I don’t see reasons to not implementing them as they bring much value!

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My first academic article on accessibility was accepted on a conference

My first academic article called General Strategies for Improving Accessibility of E-commerce was accepted on a Slovenian Digital Inclusion conference. It was an interesting experience writing it and in this post I reflect on some important things.