Not to get too political here, but please allow me to just use the words of a great man to begin with:
No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time…
Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947
So – back to my title that draws my thesis. I did not first search for it on the internet, although it is probably out there already. But I was just thinking that humanity seems to be progressing to a very technical world. This is now even more obvious with global war humans versus virus – that has made technology even more important in our daily lives.
And I must say that I love the progress that is visible around the world. Even distant parts of the world riding the internet surf and being connected and informed.
Accessibility should be an integral part of content for humans. Otherwise people are left out. Nobody should be left out!
me, reflecting on inclusion
That’s why accessibility should be an integral part of everything we make for the public. And if I can dare to foresee a future just a bit – if / when our democracy will evolve to a point where all can co-decide with their votes, with a fair electronic system that is impossible to manipulate (maybe Blockchain v.2050), then accessibility will be a absolute essential part of the whole democracy.
But first we must all win and prevail over micro-organisms, it seems.
And get over macro-divisions that we unfortunately still suffer with, even in year 2020 (it’s high time to drop the importance of different melanin values between races, OK ?).