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Accessibility scoring don’t tell much about actual state of accessibility

In this blog post I go into details behind automatic accessibility testing and how I don’t really trust any accessibility scores such tools provide.
It all drills down to inability of automatic tools to pass WCAG success criteria and limited ability of them to fail some. Manual testing is the only real way to really know about state of accessibility.

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Thoughts on web performance and web accessibility

Attended web performance conference ( and found some thoughts about similarities with accessibility. Also made a simple proof of concept for a time to interactive metrics for screen-readers and other assistive technologies.

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My first axe-hackathon with my aXeSiA – my first contribution to accessibility open source

aXeSiA – my open source contribution to accessibility testing and axe-hackathon. We all like to use browser extensions to test the pages but aXeSiA makes our work easier if we want to automate it.