European Accessibility Act became law in 2019 but it will be adopted in 2022. This will add benefits of web accessibility directive also for selected parts of private sector. E-commerce accessibility efforts will benefit all of us, that’s for sure.
Year: 2021
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I organized an accessibility workshop for our front-end and full-stack developers, user interface and user experience designers and others involved in digital production. This post will concentrate on screen-reader (SR) users way of navigation because it may surprise non-screen-reader users quite a lot.
Stakeholder mandate and approved budget is key for proper accessibility integration that every company involved in digital production needs. Here are some thoughts of mine about the practicalities.
Some people can treat an image as decorative and therefore skip the alternative text, but there are others that may treat same image in same context as more than just decoration. Maybe it is best to just add text for images that are potentially decorative and then let users decide for them selves.
20th of May 2021 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and I wanted to contribute by analyzing state of web accessibility on Slovenian web pages. We can therefore say the first ever contribution to Slovenian Accessibility Awareness Day.
Some reflections on The WebAIM Million annual accessibility analysis. There is some improvement but we all need more empathy and knowledge.
Project management have the power to really add to better deliveries and scope management. So it must be natural for project managers to also treat accessibility as a first class citizen, always in scope and always a part of definition of done
axe-hackathon video is now live and I decided to transcribe my presentation’s questions and answers regarding aXeSiA and publish the feedback I got from the committee as well.
Automatic tests can help a bit. WCAG evaluation methodology provides a good start for test focus. And if we add page popularity scoring and simple page complexity scoring, then we can really focus on the potentially difficult pages in our manual testing efforts.
Different automatic tools can produce different results. Accessibility conformance testing rules help a bit but there are still potential differences. And, again, automatic tools cover up to a portion when testing for WCAG success criteria, so please do test manually and with users to really make your products accessible
Not really surprisingly – aXeSiA did not won axe-hackathon. And I never dreamed that it will. It was just an experiment for me personally. But this will not mean that aXeSiA is retiring – I will make it a tool I can use often. And a tool I can really tweak as I need and like. Congratulation to other projects and especially Inclusiville. If I had the time I would be happy to work on all other projects as well as they are really good.
aXeSiA – my open source contribution to accessibility testing and axe-hackathon. We all like to use browser extensions to test the pages but aXeSiA makes our work easier if we want to automate it.
Animation can enrich the content, sometimes content is animation, and sometimes animation is preventing users to understand your content or even giving users a really hard time or in some cases even make them sick. So please be responsible with animation, and most importantly – let user control it.
We remember the rule for alternative text on decorative images, right. But is it really so clear what an decorative image is. Sometimes SEO wants us to have alternative text for images that do not directly add to the information. Should we do it for the bots or should we save time for screen-reader users? It depends. As always…
I’ve seen a lot of discussions on the subject of accessibility overlays that are trying to improve or even guarantee to fix all accessibility issues of a webpage they are installed on. It sounds perfect. You install a script and all your problems go away. But – is it too good to be true?
At the end of the day – an email is just an HTML. But also has plain text version baked into it. And is still using tables for positioning, chances are. So here are some thoughts on how to make them accessible.
Passion for accessibility and empathy helps a lot, but it do comes down to systematic integration if we want that our organization delivers accessible deliveries and products.
Not everybody can or want to use their apps in a single predefined screen orientation. It should be a matter of preference and choice. That is accessibility as well. And we even have it as an WCAG Success Criteria. And yes – it should also be applied to native mobile devices.
Quality Assurance must get their hands on screen-readers and other assistive technologies on multiple platforms, besides understanding acceptance criteria for WCAG and really get the whole accessibility aspect.There is no other way. No shortcuts here.
Today, 5th of February 2021 a decision was made – EFTA member states – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland will start to integrate European Web Accessibility Directive. Another big step towards an more accessible future.
When taking care of accessibility you are actually doing your future self a favor. Or maybe your parents, grandparents or even children!
Fresh news from the Web Accessibility Initiative about the brand new Web Content Accessibility Guidelines that will actually cover much more than just web and mobile this time. Augmented and virtual reality, Internet of things, wearables and beyond are a part of our daily life, so they must also be accessible!
Extremely valuable documentation that reveals some interesting points about future of Web Accessibility Directive monitoring methods, tools and also some less clarified reporting matters. The accessibility statement automatic analysis will most certainly also have a central role and it is worth following on the Accessibility Conformance Testing rules that are the engine of all automatic tools out there.
I read a lot on best practices around implementing accessibility into a tech company – and this post is a simple guideline of mine. It is the first part and I will add my findings and lessons learned when I test the process in real life.
2020 was a special year and not only negative, it was especially positive for the accessibility, both for the world and for me as well.