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Support for aria-errormessage is getting better, but still not there yet

I like the idea behind aria-errormessage and hope it will soon get enough support to make error messages more accessible and establish itself as best practice. NVDA support is coming soon, but beware potential iOS bug and lack of TalkBack support…

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GAAD 2024 Slovenia – state of e-commerce accessibility – a year before the new legislation

Second Slovenian Accessibility Awareness Day was quite a success, my contribution this time was a manual accessibility audit of crucial WCAG success criteria of larger e-commerces, supported by a team from

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ARIA role=”application” and mobile screen readers

There are some limited resources on ARIA role application, but I missed more information for mobile screen readers and just quickly checked the situation on Android and iPhone. It seems that support is not there, besides some small quirks. Be even more careful with role = application!

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Accessibility is key to human-centered digital transformation

Digital transformation without accessibility can’t really be called digitalization as it will produce the need to provide alternative formats manually, not to even mention all the problems with bias when relying solely on artificial intelligence.

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Consider accessibility when using horizontally scrollable regions in webpages and apps

After doing an audit of a webpage ,where navigation require horizontal scrolling, I decided to test what does that pattern mean for people with disabilities. Longer story short – be careful, maybe it’s not worth it for critical components like navigation.

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Testing and monitoring accessibility with automatic tools will get less precise

Automatic testing, although limited, is useful for quick and bulk test of webpages. With current progress I would expect it to be more efficient, but such tests could easily be bypassed and we can get bad data.

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Robots must be accessible, or else they will discriminate too!

We live in times where technology progress is amazing and therefore we need to make sure we don’t leave groups of people behind. Robots will obviously soon help us at home and everywhere and it is crucial we make their interfaces accessible. Or we will make our society full of new barriers for people with disabilities.

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Accessibility overlays often fail to improve accessibility

I would like that accessibility is the default, just there, without effort. Just fixed for all of us. But it’s not yet possible. Probably never will be. And when I try to be open minded and try to use a feature of accessibility overlay and it just fails, not one but two features, under two minutes, on an important page for people with disabilities, then I had to write about it. And even make a video of it.

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Accessibility errors based on accessibility statements of Norwegian public sector websites

Making large scale analysis of accessibility based on centralized accessibility statements is simple. But we do need to consider that not everybody filling out accessibility statements have the needed experience and knowledge. And sometimes the intention to be transparent is also absent.

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Comparison of accessibility of e-government websites in Europe

eGovernment Benchmark of 35 countries in Europe (EU and beyond) finally gathered some insights about accessibility of eGovernment websites. After years of accessibility legislation accessibility is still a pilot indicator which unfortunately indicates how late we are in the awareness process.