We have a lot of good accessibility guidelines for web content, documents and multimedia. But what about accessibility of games on mobile phones and tablets? Things can be quite complex there, but that also allows for innovation.
Category: Accessibility testing
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Unfortunately sometimes organizations take shortcuts and just make a generalized copy of accessibility statements from their competition or some random site.
People starting with accessibility can often get a bit biased perception and focus mainly on screen readers. I believe it has to do with the guidelines.
Save yourself time and resources and prepare before you buy an accessibility audit with these tips.
Seems that even AI needs accessibility, at least some parts of WCAG will help AI as well. Another benefit of accessibility.
Authentication is often a burden to many different groups of users, but for people depending on assistive technologies it can be a total barrier. What can we do to improve that?
Tables are sometimes critical for understanding, and even if HTML supports quite complex tables we should keep them as simple as possible.
You connect your physical keyboard to an Android device and start pressing the tab key. And then shift tab. And sometimes – you circle around the UI but can not reach all interactive elements. Is this a WCAG 2.1.1 failure? Maybe it is, maybe you need to try harder…
This is a summary for my Universal Design 2024 (UD2024) conference contribution, where I was using parts of EN 301 549 and WCAG to check how (in)accessible are iOS and Android mobile applications from 4 largest Norwegian banks.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines touch keyboard accessibility in a couple of success criteria. It’s essential for your native app to support keyboard interactions for it to be accessible. But how?
Grouping is not an exact science, but all designers and developers touching native mobile applications need to be aware of the simplification possibilities it can bring.
Naming is one of the most difficult and enduring challenges in software engineering, and it is obvious that it’s also a giant problem in accessibility. How can you help?
I lead a project to manually test 20 Slovenian e-commerce websites and wrote an article about it, called (In)Accessibility of Slovenian E-commerce the Year Before the European Accessibility Act.
We need to be aware of the limitation of the tools to be able to use them properly and to prevent any bias.
AI is a fact. Some say it will improve accessibility, and I hope it will, but please consider the facts and new regulation.
Benchmarking of accessibility of different e-government digital services and how well do different countries do is a start, but beware!
Whenever you test web accessibility you need to consider all the website variants based on all media queries. This can be vital for your time usage estimates!
Bogdan – can you give us an example of a website that conforms to WCAG / is accessible? A popular question with a less popular answer.
Everybody knows that we must not use aria-hidden on interactive elements. But why is that a problem? I decided to check for myself, so that I can explain it better the next time I will be asked.
W3C Accessibility Guidelines just got a major update. Still a draft, but I love the brainstorming potentials of the newly added guidelines and outcomes. Was the release date an coincidence?
Second Slovenian Accessibility Awareness Day was quite a success, my contribution this time was a manual accessibility audit of crucial WCAG success criteria of larger e-commerces, supported by a team from a11y.si
Accessibility audits come in different forms and sometimes it is better to take smaller audits than to wait for the larger ones to be finished – and risk missing out on changes that had to happen in the meanwhile.
Prevention of accessibility issues starts long before we code. It is also true for design systems. Sometimes we need much more time to fix things, even if we use a design system…
Do not rely solely on automatic accessibility testing, especially if you do not know that your tool can lie a lot. Use the tools, but educate the people that use them…
Stumbled upon a e-commerce that required hundreds of key-presses to get below the navigation. Reminded me, again, about the importance of skip links…
Another WebAIM’s Million, this time with different webpages. A tiny improvement, but more complexity at the same time. Can design annotations help preventing some issues that are still rising?
There are some limited resources on ARIA role application, but I missed more information for mobile screen readers and just quickly checked the situation on Android and iPhone. It seems that support is not there, besides some small quirks. Be even more careful with role = application!
I’ve done quite some accessibility audits and in this blog post I will go into some common ARIA problems and how to cope with them…
Even with improved CAPTCHA user experience in the last couple of years we still stumble upon CAPTCHA challenges that are difficult to impossible. The situation is even worse for screen reader users and hasn’t changed in more than a decade. How can we help?
After doing an audit of a webpage ,where navigation require horizontal scrolling, I decided to test what does that pattern mean for people with disabilities. Longer story short – be careful, maybe it’s not worth it for critical components like navigation.